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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Drugs are generally recognized as of the greatest problems in the United States. According to the statistics, tobacco has the highest death rate. Smoking is a very popular habit, even though we all know that smoking is very dangerous. Millions of people around the globe want to quit smoking for medical reasons such as having already two heart-valve replacement surgeries. Wht did some people do to quit smoking? Some people substituted eating ice-cream for smoking. …

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…as: marijuana, cocaine, and heroin. Smoking causes all sorts of cancer. It affects your brain and it do not prolong your life, not only in America, but all over the globe. Every person knows how smoking can affect our health. People know how harmful it is. They learned how harmful the cigarette from their parents, teachers, and others. Ironically, they still continue smoking! They are addicted to it, and most addicts want to be cured.