Small Towns and Big Cities

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Some people favor living in small towns; others prefer living in big cities. They both have the same reason--to live a life which they like the best. However, there is a remarkably conspicuous contrast between small towns and big cities. They differ from each other in transportation, life style, and leisure. For a start, in terms of transportation, there is a big difference between small towns and big cities. In small towns, it is never …

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…on Monday, French cuisine on Tuesday, Italian pasta on Wednesday, etc. Small towns provide inexpensive leisure while big cities offer more choices. To sum up, small towns present people with a simple and easy life whereas big cities propose a life full of vigor and liveliness. Those who long to live in peace and relax should reside in small towns, and those who pursue a dynamic, challenging life should establish their home in big cities.