"Similarities and differences among detectives, as portrayed in The Hound of Baskervilles and The Speaker of Mandarin "

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This essays looks at how "The Hound of Baskervilles" and "The speaker of Mandarin" display that all detectives of crime share similar characteristics in both deduction and their attitude towards life. People that posses a high degree of intellect and focus on solving the quandaries and puzzles of life, often display common characteristics. Especially those that specialize in solving crime display this parallel. The portrayals of two great detectives of fiction - Sherlock Holmes, in …

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…his work, Wexford displayed enthusiasm for nature; While Holmes lead a Spartan life, Wexford displayed fastidiousness. In conclusion, it becomes apparent that both novels effectively identify and employ these common as well as unique characteristics in the portrayal of their protagonists. Works Cited - Doyle, Arthur Conan. "The Hound of Baskervilles." Sherlock Holmes. The complete novels and stories. Vol.2. Toronto: Bantam Books, 1912-2000. 1-147. Rendell, Ruth. The Speaker of Mandarin. Great Britain: Arrow Books, 1983-1984.