Show how the ways the author constructed one of the core texts helped you to understand the main ideas of the Blade Runner.

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
The cinematic construction of Blade Runner: The Director's Cut helps to enhance the audience's understanding of what it means to be human. The author, Ridley Scott, has created one of the most thought provoking science fiction films since 2001: A Space Odyssey. Based on Philip K Dick's novella, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the film presents a world that is both similar and disturbingly different to the audience. Blade Runner has been influential in the …

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…faces. Moreover, the audience has come to appreciate the victory of morality, the difference between reality and illusion and the big brother notion as well as constant fear of being watched. Despite the film being dark in both a literal and metaphoric sense, there is still hope. There is fellow feeling, compassion, love and passion for life. Blade Runner is a cinematographic masterpiece that will leave the audience thinking long after the film is over.