Should schools provide women with equal funding for their sport programs?

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Equal Funding for Girls and Boys? Equal funding for women's sports programs. Now what exactly does that mean? It means that any women's sports program should receive the same amount of funding that the male's sports program receives, and it does not matter what the sport is. If the men's baseball team receives a certain amount of money, then the women's softball team should receive the same exact amount. And it does not matter where …

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…required to provide funding for women's sports programs. Not giving women the same amount of money for their athletic programs just because they are not as popular or do not bring in as much revenue as men is unethical. Women deserve equal funding. They put in just as much time and hard work as men do. Additionally, there are many options that schools have to acquire the money without having to cut men's sport programs.