Should Illicit Drugs Be Legalized

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Whether Bill Clinton "inhaled" when trying marijuana as a college student was about the closest the last presidential campaign came to addressing the drug issue. The present one, however, could be very different. For the fourth straight year, a federally supported nationwide survey of American secondary school students by the University of Michigan has shown increased drug use. After at least 10 years in which drug use had been falling, the major concern that is already …

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…in the Vermont Capitol in early 1996, include hemp flour, hemp soaps, hemp textiles (including a sneaker from Adidas), hemp machine lubricants, even hemp mortar and fiberboard for building. Hemp brownies were passed around to the eager crowd (Economist, 28). As can be concluded from the information above, the legalization of illicit drugs is a controversial, yet absolute concept. Hopefully, the United States government will eventually realize the potential of this revolutionary reform and act upon it.