Should Concentration Camps be Restored?

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Concentration camps: what people think of when they hear those words are the death camps, like Auschwitz, that the Nazis ran during WWII. About 6 million jews, or roughly 2/3 of the European jews, were murdered in these camps. These camps are crumbling and falling apart. Should they be restored? Some believe that these camps should be preserved as historical monuments and remind us of what should never have happened. From 1939-1945, millions of people were killed …

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…looking at the reasons why we should or should not restore the camps, the reasons to restore them definitely outweigh the reasons we should not. Therefore, we should restore the camps as historical monuments and allow them to stand as witnesses to the horror that should never be forgotten. The concentration camps, if restored, would outlive the survivors and stand as a long lasting memorial for those who died. What do you think should happen?