Should Animals be used in invasive Laboratory techniques in psychological research

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
A submission to the Australian Psychological Society Traditionally, humans were believed to be created in the image of God and to have dominance over animals. This ideology stems from the bible and the belief that a greater value is put on the lives of humans than to those of animals. This submission shall explore the problems that stem from these beliefs, such as invasive techniques and the sacrifice of animals in psychological research. Bowd and …

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…are conducting this research. If we co-exist with all living things, humans must acknowledge the inequality that exits between species and accord rights as necessary. References Baldwin, E. (1993). The case for animal research in psychology. Journal of Social issues, 49, 121-131 Bowd, A.D., & Shapiro, K.J. (1993). The case against animal research in psychology. Journal of Social Issues, 49, 133-142. Morris, C.G., & Maisto, A.A., (2001) Understanding Psychology (5th ed). New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall.