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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
Anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists and biologists all see the reasoning for different human behaviour to be caused by different factors. Sexuality is just one of the many of these human aspects that has been studied resulting in, of course, conflicting theories. There is the essentialist point of view on sexuality, which is mainly the view that our sexual behaviours come from our biological make-up alone. The opposing view of sociologists is the social constructionist one, which …

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…the opposing views on sexuality of sociologists and sociobiologists, the social constructionist theory on the factors that contribute to, and determine how our sexuality is formed, seems the dominant more credible one. It has more evidence to support its theories, whereas the essentialist theory on sexuality seem to have unlimited flaws and limitations. As Zajdow (2000 p.72) explains, "sexuality is varied and plastic, able to be moulded and modified," and this is the role of society.