Sexual Harassment

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Sexual Harassment The concept of sexual harassment is relatively new; the term was developed in the late 1960's. Sexual harassment has been around long before the 60's, but people had no way or term to describe such actions. <Tab/>Over the past thirty years, researchers have discovered that women and men interpret sexualized behavior or advances in the workplace very differently. Women are far more likely to label a given situation …

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…of management. Although businesses are aware that it exits, they appear unsure what to do. As a result, the presence of employer liability for sexual harassment continues to emerge in the workplace. <Tab/>Failure to adopt an aggressive stance on the issue however can and has resulted in costly lawsuits for some companies. The amount of money paid as part of settlements has jumped from $7.1 million in 1991 to $34.4 million last year.