Sex and Gender

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Sex is a word that refers to the biological differences between male and female: the visible difference in genitalia, the related difference in procreative function. 'Gender' however is a matter of culture: it refers to social classification into 'masculine' and 'feminine' (Oakley, 1972: 16) The main reason that we need to distinguish between 'sex and gender' is because many differences between and males and females are not biological in origin. But the need to distinguish between 'sex' …

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…undertaken. But it is now time to think beyond its confines. To undertake such thinking is not to ignore the importance of human bodies but it does involve some critical inquiry into the integrity of the concept of gender itself. Looking at both the arguments for distinguishing between 'sex' and 'gender' and for keeping them together, both have good ideas and make sense. But neither are conclusive so it is hard to make a conclusion.