Sex Offenders and their actions

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
In today's society there are wide range of deviant acts. Across the nation crime overall has decreased, but sex offenders have not. I am going to be discussion sex offenders and their actions, why they commit these deviant acts, and statistical analysis of sex offenders. A sex offender is any person who lives or works in any community and who has been convicted of a sex offense, or someone who has been adjudicated as a …

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…of these 4,300 were rearrested for another sex crime against a child within 3 years of release from prison. Among child molesters released from prison in 1994, 60% had been in prison for molesting a child 13 years old or younger. Nearly 25% of child victimizers were age 40 or older. Observing these statistics, there is a problem, and the correction departments are facing these problems, by enacting stringent requirements for sex offenders and most importantly educating the public on the issue.