Seminole Indians

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Essay Database > History
SEMINOLE INDIANS. The Seminole Indians, as a distinct group, are of fairly recent origin. In the southeastern United States, almost every Indian who was not a Cherokee, Choctaw, or Chickasaw was considered a Creek. This classification consisted of a large number of tribes. When the Spanish and English struggled for control of the southeast during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the English encouraged the Creeks to make war on the tribes in Spanish-occupied territories. The …

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…reached a peak of 5,000, including blacks. A census in 1845, after removal, showed approximately 3,100 Seminoles in Indian Territory, with several hundred more scattered in Florida, Texas, and Mexico. In 1901 the population of the Seminole Nation was slightly more than 3,000, including almost 1,000 blacks. Almost all Seminole Indians currently reside in Oklahoma, although many black Seminoles continue to reside on Wild Cat's old claim in Mexico. Some 100 to 150 Seminole blacks, calling themselves Seminoles, currently live in West Texas.