School Violence.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
School violence has become a widespread problem within the last few years. "A 1996 Children's Institute International Poll of American Adolescents revealed that 47 percent of all teens believed their schools were becoming more violent, 10 percent feared being shot or hurt by classmates carrying weapons to schools, and more than 20 percent were afraid to go to restrooms because these unsupervised areas were frequent sites of student victimization" (The US Department of Health and Human Sciences, 2003). School violence …

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…Plan". Retrieved April 15, 2003 from Moore, C. (1999) Blaming The Internet For School Violence Scapegoats The Real Problem. Retrieved April 27, 2003 from The US Department of Health and Human Sciences. (2003) "School Violence Prevention". Retrieved April 15, 2003 from violence/default.asp Weinhold, B.K. (2003) "Bullying and School Violence: The Tip of the Iceberg". Retrieved April 27, 2003 from