School Violence and Safety Promotion.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Increase in school violence. Over the past several years, incidents of school violence have intensified. Disasters like the shootings at Columbine High School are not unheard of, and precautions for school safety are on the minds of numerous communities. Johnson and Johnson claim that "Teaching is different from what it used to be. Fifty years ago, the main disciplinary problems were running in the halls, talking out of turn, and chewing gum. Today's transgressions include …

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…ultimately affects everyone, it is up to the community as a whole to deal with and prevent it. There are numerous strategies that researchers, school officials, principals, parents, and community leaders have come up with in response to the increase in school violence. However, the best way to get through to these kids and to counteract perhaps what they are being taught at home is to involve the students themselves in establishing a safe school.