School Violence

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Marie Getty Pierre 12-09-03 School Violence In the past several years, there have been many instances of violent acts (including murder) occurring throughout the United States. Littleton, Colorado; Springfield, Oregon; Edinboro, Pennsylvania; and West Paducah, Kentucky is just a few of the small towns that have been hit by such a tragic event. Due to the fact that all of these are small towns, students, parents, and communities alike are realizing that no town …

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…numerous studies on what the cause might be, but no one really knows for sure. People have blamed the media, lack of parental supervision, and peer pressure. No one really knows what drives these kids to blow up with rage and go on a violent rampage. I wish there was a solution to this huge problem, of kids shooting kids, in America. Maybe one day there will be an answer to all of our questions.