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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Scarlett by Alexandra Ripley "Scarlett" is about a southern woman who had survived the Civil War, had been widowed twice with two children. She got married again to Rhett Butler, and they had a daughter who was killed when she fell off a horse. Since the death of the child, her husband did not want anything to do with Scarlett. Rhett gave Scarlett all the money she needed, but she wanted him. Heartbroken, she went …

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…and his wife and child had died in childbirth. Rhett came to Scarlett's rescue in the middle of the Irish burning her Big House because she had been keeping company with the English. Rhett met his daughter (Cat), right in the middle of their escape, and it was a very happy couple who barely missed being killed. They were finally together...and loved each other....they left Ireland with their daughter and their lives intact.