Same sex marriages

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Same Sex Marriages is the union of two same sex partners. A legally recognized relationship established by a civil ceremony, who's intend is live together as sexual and domestic partners. It has many names such as same gender marriage, gay marriage, marriage equality, and homosexual marriage. Depending on the audience. These terms a usually represents uncertain, confusion, inappropriateness, controversial, offensive, or some hidden implication. Same Sex Marriages are supported by some and not by others. …

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…for the "provision to same-sex couples of the legal benefits that typically accrue as a result of marriage to same-sex couples who desire and seek the legal benefits" in a 1998 Council resolution. Psychological research and association policy are not consistent with Legislation proposed at the federal and state levels that would amend the U.S. Constitution or state constitutions, respectively, to prohibit marriage between same-sex couples.