Same-sex marriage debate. An essay AGAINST same sex marriages.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
The world is constantly changing and evolving. It isn't possible to stop this from happening, but it is possible to stand up for what is morally right and for what isn't. And now, we are faced with what many people feel is the "inevitable evolution" of marriage: legalizing homosexual marriages. Not allowing homosexual marriages to be recognized by the government and to be legal would prevent changing a fundamental institution, would prohibit breaching the Charter …

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…in order to give them meaning -- we frame reality with language in order to find meaning in that reality. Those in the gay community who want same-sex marriage are right to seek meaning in their relationships and to want to have that meaning publicly recognized. They are wrong, however, to try to do it by co-opting the institution of marriage. The institution of marriage cannot function in that way without being deformed and destroyed.