Same sex mariages.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
Same Sex Mariages In canadian law spouses are comsidered any "two persons", not a man and a woman, not two men or two women, just two persons. Everyone has the Right to equality and not to be descriminated upon, therefore people should not be judged upon because of their sexual orientation. Should we allow same sex marriages to be leagalized? As a society we are becoming more open and understanding. Just because it is leagal …

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…sexual orientation. If they are judged by others doesnt that create an un-equal society, and we have the right to be equal, no one has to right to rob you from your freedom because you love someone. Same Sex couples should be alloud to have the same priviledges that heterosexual couples have its not fair that we look at homosexuals as if there is something wrong with them because there isnt anything wrong with it.