Same Sex Marriages

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
In today's society it is a lot more common to see same-sex couples together. In the past 30 years or so, things have changed drastically, from our rights to our industries and even our definition of normalcy has taken a large turn. Today's youth has gone above and beyond changing the way we look at things, from tattoos and piercing to same-sex couples. It was only 30 years ago where in many American states it was illegal …

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…right that other adults just like them are allowed, just because of their sexual preference? America is a free society, where the government has limited power in the lives of its citizens. Our government should respect every person, and not be biased towards one group or another. Our country allows people the right to freedom, freedom included who and what we choose to be and it shouldn't limit what we can do as that person.