Same Sex Marriages

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Society & Culture
Imagine you have fallen in love with the person of your dreams, and the two of you have discussed it and have decided to get married. Now imagine that the person you wish to marry is of a different race. It wouldn't be a big deal, right? Well, if this situation had occurred about 50 years ago, it would have been a huge deal. Just a generation ago, many states banned mixed marriages. Seems absurd, doesn't …

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…Available: [2000, May 22]. (no author given). (2000). Fighting to Win and Keep the Freedom to Marry: The legal, Political, and Cultural Challenges Ahead. National Journal of Sexual Orientation Law Online. 234 paragraphs. Available: [2000, May 22] Wolfson, Evan. (1999). Winning and Keeping the Freedom to Marry for Same-Sex Couples. Partners Task Force for Gay and Lesbian Couples. 26 paragraphs. Available: [2000, May 22].