Same-Sex Marriage in Canada.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
The lives of gays and lesbians have been a topic of controversy for a long time. In the modern society today, homosexuality as a minority's sexual orientation and lifestyle is becoming more accepted than before. Most members of the public profess that they would respect and support homosexuals request for equal rights. They believe that homosexuals should get the same entitlement as heterosexuals, housing, jobs, the necessities of life and social welfare, etc. However, when …

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…and villainous. However, almost nobody thinks that it is wrong today. History always repeats itself. Our liberated society should be more open its mind to the same-sex couples who long for marriage, and allow them to share the same equal rights as us. I believe that as homosexuals are slowly accepted by society, the discrimination and prejudice against them will slowly be erased through time. Legalizing same-sex marriage will be the inevitable course of history.