Same Sex Marriage

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
I feel that same sex marriages should be allowed because the relationship is of two loving people. How does the relationship truly differ from a relationship involving a man and a woman? Anna Quindlen expresses her feelings about same sex marriages in her essay "Evan's Two Moms." Her basic argument in the essay is that there is a problem that gays and lesbians face when it comes to marriage. They are not being treated equally …

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…same sex were not entitled to legally commit themselves to each other" (Quindlen, 411). Why should people have a problem with same sex relationships? It is not their feelings or their lives so why be concerned with it. If same sex couples love each other and want to spend their lives together, what harm is that really doing to people? "Love and commitment are rare enough; it seems absurd to thwart them in any guise" (Quindlen, 411).