Rwandan genocide

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
In 1994, there was an unfortunate incidence which took place in Rwanda Republic. According to the record of United Nations, 800,000 to 1,071,000 people were killed in three months due to the genocide. This genocide is considered as the conflict between the two tribes in Rwanda---Hutus, carrying out the genocide, and Tutsis, having been massacred. Since it was really an amazing unfortunate event, many people in the world sympathized with that sad incidence. However, most people today think …

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…so complicated. However, since this is a social issue, there are many factors which conducted Rwandan genocide, and different perspective. Generally, people tend to desire to make a certain reason or cause in order to make the problem understandable. But I think we should have as many perspectives as we can, so that we can get closer to the truth of the history. This incidence is just a process of solving the Rwandan genocide issue.