Rwanda Genocide

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Throughout history groups of people have tried to eliminate other groups for various reasons, but these attempts have been marked by the human race's refusal to allow such systematic extermination to occur. Unfortunately in 1994 the global community collectively turned a blind eye toward the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. The Rwandan Genocide revealed the governments of the world's ignorance and apathy, as well as their continuing selfishness and refusal to take blame. …

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…been slaughtered along side those they were trying to protect, however the tribunal is ignoring that fact and labeling them as mass murderers while the officials who truly allowed the genocide to occur are being neglected. Genocide such as this should be prevented at all costs, no matter where it occurs. In the future the hard lessons learned from this incident must not be forgotten. The world must not allow the 800,000 deaths to be ignored.