Russian Foriegn Policy Under Lenin and Stalin

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Essay Database > History
I. Overview, What were the aims of Soviet foreign policy under Lenin? -<Tab/>In the new Bolshevik government Trotsky was made Commissar of Foreign Affairs. -<Tab/>Taking Russia out of the First World War had been a major Bolshevik pledge and the Decree on Peace, which called for an immediate truce and a just peace, was issued in October 1917. It, however, brought no response from …

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…amp;gt;The USSR was regarded as a European power once again *<Tab/>There was no united Capitalist front against the USSR *<Tab/>Foreign governments had begun to think they might be able to do business with the USSR *<Tab/>Valuable military and industrial gains had come from co-operation with Germany *<Tab/>In 11933 the USA gave USSR international recognition