Running head: Mindset

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Running head: Mindset Physical State Maintaining adequate levels of fitness has a direct impact on the combat readiness of all soldiers in the military. It is extremely essential for all soldiers to exemplify high levels of physical and mental toughness in the process of carrying out his or her duties. This is so because the process of defending and protecting this country and its allies, against its enemies is a very stressful and daunting task …

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…will ultimately result in me experiencing greater success. Reference Department of the Army, (2000). FM 21-26: Physical fitness manual. Department of the Army. Hopkins Technology. (2001, December). Fitness fundamentals: Guidelines for personal exercise program. [ 75 oaragraogs.] Available http: Kozierok, C. M. (2001, December). Troubleshooting and your mental state. [6 paragraphs.] Available http: McGinnis, A.L., (1985). Bringing out the best in people. Augsburg: Publishing House.