Runners World SWOT Analysis

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Introduction Sue Koenig, a nationally ranked runner, faces some difficult decisions ahead. Her business, Runners World, has made a very good return on investment in the last ten years, but has recently seen sales flatten out for several reasons. Changes in consumer taste, choices, expectations, life style and increased competition have slowed the growth of a once thriving business. The paper will review the options Sue has and make recommendations for changes in her business. …

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…SWOT analysis for Runners World. This SWOT analysis has revealed the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats Sue must consider to remain competitive in the shoes, sports apparel and sports equipment market. Strengths and opportunities were discussed to help build upon early success of Sue's business. The threats can also be turned into opportunities to minimize weaknesses. References Perreault, W. D. & McCarthy, E. J. (1999) BASIC MARKETING: A GLOBAL- MANAGERIAL APPROACH. Boston: Irwin/McGraw Hill