Run Lola Run and Changing worlds

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In his postmodern German motionpicture, Run Lola Run, Tom Tykwer employs various visual techniques to show change and reactions to it by creating a semi-simulated world in which small, seemingly insignificant catalysts create changing individual and collective worlds. Iconography is utilised to create recurring motifs as the narrative is transformed into a cinematic arcade game and an alternate reality, as the imperatives of fate and inevitability in the real world are questioned by chance and …

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…characters whilst exhibiting strong colours, well defined shadow detail, natural flesh tones and sharp images. On the video segments the picture is of poor quality with unflattering colours, under-lighting and graininess creating a seemingly harsher alternate world. The combined effect of visual techniques employed in Run Lola Run evoke the concept of a metaphoric world by adopting features of a computer game, whilst acknowledging the impacts of changing worlds on the individual and its community.