Run Forest, Run.... Forest Gump

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American University - Central Asia Advanced English Composition II Instructor: Jake Huntington Paper_2 "Run Forest,... Run" Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get" -Forrest Gump's Mum The movie called "Forest Gump" starts from the falling feather. I was thinking about this feather during whole first part. Why feather? I am still thinking about it. Forrest Gump is a brilliant movie! I enjoy it every time I see …

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…like more. In this part the script was full of double meanings and clever references. The special effects were flawless and yet unnoticed. The events were surprisingly believable. And finally the characters were heart warming. The very lack of pretension in Forest only served to highlight it in the "normal" characters. Forrest Gump is the sort of film that leaves you feeling good but also prompts you to wonder about the true meaning of life.