Rumba Dance

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
The Rumba The Rumba is a word used for a group of related musical and dance styles authentic to Cuba. It is also a genre for singing and dancing, born of an Afro-Spanish tendency, with a distinctive African mark. Its origins can be found in poor urban sites with a highly concentrated population of African descent, as well as in semi-rural areas near sugar refineries. Contrary to popular belief the rumba is completely music and …

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…the three styles. A single dancer who performs acrobatic and daring moves, to demonstrate their courage, strength, agility, and sense of humor, performs the Columbia. Rumba also spelled RHUMBA, ballroom dance of Afro-Cuban folk-dance origin that became internationally popular in the early 20th century. Best known for the dancers' subtle side-to-side hip movements with the torso erect, the rumba is danced with a basic pattern of two quick side steps and a slow forward step.