Roman weapons

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
This paper has been designed to detail the different types of weapons used by the people of Ancient Rome. It includes observations on development of Roman weaponry as well as its great variety of structure and uses. This will include, in addition, the inherence of earlier civilizations of weaponry My paper will attempt to answer the following questions; What weapons did the Romans consider important? What material was used to forge these weapons? How are …

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…The world has come a long way since the age of the Romans in the advancement of weaponry but still the pilum remains one of the top technological advancements made. Bibliography: 1. K. Christ. The Romans: An Introduction to Their History and Civilization. (1984) 2. M. Grant. The World of Rome. (1990) 3. M. Grant. Social History of Greece and Rome. (1992) 4. D. Campbell. Greek and Roman Artillery 399BC-AD363 ( Osprey Publishing 2003) 5. M. Butterfield. Going to War in Roman Times ( Franklin Watts 2001)