Revamping Social Security

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Pages: 8
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Running head: Revamping Our Future Social Security Revamping Our Future Social Security Tax System Jon Anderson Sandra Padilla Michael Peay Abstract This paper will discuss the current United States Social Security Tax system, the purpose of that system and our goal for selecting this topic. Also, it will explain our analysis of it's current standing, different idea's about what to change in our current standing to secure and guarantee a strong future for it. We …

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…state_of union_ press.html [1998, January 5]. Social Security at the Crossroads, Amy Steinhttp (Online). Bibliography References Social Security. (1999). The Future of Social Security [Online]. Available: [1999, July]. Apfel, K.S. (1998). President Clinton's State of the Union [Online]. Available: union_ press.html [1998, January 5]. Social Security at the Crossroads, Amy Steinhttp (Online).