Report about the hero in American movies

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
' ...and he saved the day, got his girl and everyone lived happily ever after.' Sweet, short, cut and dry, that was the typical ending of our childhood books and early movies. There was the perfect hero and the bad villain. That was in the pre-modern era, now our hero isn't always perfect and has his flaws. The hero in today's movies needs these flaws and needs to travel through a combination of paths …

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…be real but some one that people can strive to be more like, and when those situations arise (not usually as big as in Hollywood) they will know how to act. The heroes of Hollywood are not as good as role models as those of the past, but they still follow the same guide lines as them. They have comforted to what sells in order to make movies and as you see everywhere negative sells.