Renewable Energy

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Solar: What is it? Solar power is energy from the sun. The sun is 150 million kilometres away, but it is over 1 million degrees Celsius at the core. If we could harness it, there is enough solar power reaching the earth to provide all of our energy needs 10,000 times over. Since almost the beginning of man, solar power has been used for drying clothes and food. It was not until 1954, that scientists in the United States …

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…prices. Shifting part of the $50 billion now spent for oil imports and other petroleum products to rural America would have a profoundly positive effect on the economy, in terms of jobs created (for production, harvesting, and use) and industrial growth (facilities for conversion into fuels and power). We have the opportunity, as David Morris of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance has put it, to move part way from a hydrocarbon economy to a carbohydrate economy.