Religious Studies

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Edith Rogers-England 3rd year: MA (Religious Studies) Christianity and World Religions 3 "Should we pray together?" A study of interfaith worship in schools The question of interfaith worship began to be seriously discussed about fifty years ago. Ethnic groups have been present in Britain since at least the 1870s, when the East India company began to employ Muslim seamen from Yemen as a result of the opening of the Suez Canal. However, the 1944 Education Act does …

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…or the wider community might become involved, using the school and pupils as a base. This would free children from the hegemony of the Protestant state as far as possible, while allowing them to experiment with their religious ideas. Even in this situation racism and pro-Christianity would not be eliminated but they would not be sanctioned by the school, which is the main danger of "interfaith" worship in a school environment in an ex-imperial power.