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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
All of the religions that we learned about, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islamic, and Hinduism, are all different, but are somehow all the same in 5 different categories. These categories are founders, practices and rites of passages, beliefs, and holidays. Although each is different in their own unique way, they are still all the same. Every religion has a founder or it would not have been started. In Christianity, the founder is Jesus Christ and other people …

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…and Rosh Hashanah. Islamic people celebrate Ramadan. And Hinduism and Buddhism people also celebrate many holidays as well. As you can see, each religion is different, but they are all so much alike in these 5 different ways. I learned a lot about these religions and now that I know what they are all about, I am very much against stereotyping between different religions. We should all try and stop this before it gets even worse.