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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
This was for a psch1 class. Throughout the centuries, man-kinds biggest concern and belief was religion. Many questions were asked before that are still roaming around people's minds. 1.<Tab/>Does god exist? 2.<Tab/>How do I know what religion to believe in? 3.<Tab/>What effect does religion have on my life? These are some of the questions that people consider when they are …

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…theories and beliefs towards religion. We believe what we want to believe, whether it is right or wrong. People's beliefs are sacred to them and some people's lives depend on their religion. RELIGION 5 References Halonen, Jane S. & Santrock John W. (1999) Psychology: Context and Applications pg. 575 Merriam- Webster (1999) Webster's New Explorer Dictionary & Thesaurus pg. 443 Moses The Holy Bible: King James Version Genesis 1:27 How do I know what religion to believe in? RELIGIONREREERERERRERERERE