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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Introduction: At the beginning of the sixteenth century, the Catholic Church, modeled upon the bureaucratic structure of the Holy Roman Empire, has become extremely powerful, but internally corrupt. From early in the twelfth century onward there were calls for reform. Between 1215 and 1545 nine church-councils were held with church reforms as their primary intent. The councils all fail to reach significant accord. The clergy was unable to live according to church doctrine, and the abuse of …

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…g Henry VIII with Rome led to the Act of Supremacy (1534), which firmly rejected papal control and created a national church. The Reformation created a state church and the got rid of the monasteries. Conclusion: Reformation was the religious revolution that took place in Western Europe in the 16th century. The causal factor involved, were complex and interdependent. The combination of spiritual, economical, and political reasons and ultimately led to the freedom of dissent.