Rainforest deforestation

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
RETELL: BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON THE AMAZON RAINFOREST AND OTHER RAINFORESTS The Amazon rainforest is the world's largest tropical rainforest. It covers approximately 2 million square miles in the Amazon River Basin of South America (Lyman 1998, 61) About two-thirds of the rainforest lies in Brazil. The forest also covers parts of Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Columbia, and Venezuela (Lyman 1998, 32) In the Amazon rainforest it contains a wider variety of plants and animal life than any other place in the …

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…like Home Depot and Centex Homes have agreed to stop selling or using wood that comes from old growth forest, but Boise Cascade has not made that promise. Letters were to be sent by December 10th 2000 to Ran-Children's Holiday Wish. To see copy of letter see next page. I hope that all of these actions can make a difference and I hope by educating others about the rainforest the destruction will come to an end!