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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Effects of Racism During the 1940's Racism has been around for hundreds of years. One example of how racism against blacks was rempant during the 1940's is seen in Toni Morrison's novel, The Bluest Eye. Throughout the story the characters are victims of racism. Not only do these characters suffer from racism from mainstream White society, but also from their superior light-skinned African American people. Examples of the effects of racism on the examining …

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…them, or they are victims of them. Pecola Breedlove is destroyed by the racism(outer-racial) around her. Her only escape is her insanity, that had been building in her since her birth. Louis J.r. 's racism was ingrained in him by his mother;while Soaphead Church was born into it. Geraldine, Louis J.r. 's mother, and "Soaphead Church are outsiders in a community of outsiders"(Gates 77). They suffer from and are intra-racial rcaists.