Racism (causes)

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
INTRODUCTION Racism and prejudice are a problem. They have existed for thousands of years and they are transmitted from generation to generation. However, racism have not always been the same, it have changed trough the history and every day it have become more sophisticated. DEFINITIONS Prejudice is any negative belief, feeling or action toward a specific group or its individual members. Racism is any negative thought or action toward members of a racial minority or …

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…of a specific race or group just for being of that group. To end the racism, we need to stop transmitting this way of thinking to the next generations. With this, we will create a world without prejudice and with equal rights for everybody. BIBLIOGRAPHY Marger, Martin Race and ethnic relations, 1997 Jones, James Prejudice and racism, 1972 Aronson, Elliot The Social Animal, 1992 World Against Racism (internet) http://www.endracism.com/ Hatewatch (internet) http://www.hatewatch.com