RIme of the Ancient Mariner

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" is a strange and mystical odyssey that explicates the mental and physical challenges of a mariner throughout a long and laborious journey. As each character faces an obstacle, both moods of pain and joy are established during the narrative poem. Samuel Taylor Coleridge uses figurative language to let the reader feel and sense the positive and negative feelings the Mariner experiences on his mysterious trip. Coleridge makes the words …

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…the power of the words used, as they create various feelings that the reader can relate to. Coleridge also takes the reader on several mood swings, as the feeling of dejection can quickly change to jubilance. The great sense of emotion really capture what Coleridge is trying to say, which enables the reader to understand completely what is going on. Once that happens, the reader can appreciate the value of the poem to its fullest.