Quangs-Best Vietnamese Restaurant

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Essay Database > Literature > English
If you are looking for tasty Vietnamese food at moderate prices, journey to Eat Street in south Minneapolis. Eat Street is a 17-block stretch, starting downtown near the Minneapolis Community and Development Agency on Nicollet Avenue and winding south through the Whittier neighborhood. It offers a vast variety of ethnic dining, including Chinese, German, Mexican, Thai, and Vietnamese, much of it authentically prepared by staff native to the cuisine. Quang, a delightful Vietnamese restaurant, is …

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…ou enjoy fresh ingredients served at reasonable prices, I recommend that you venture to Eat Street and visit Quang before the rush hours. Their hours are Wednesday through Monday 10am to 9pm; Quang is closed on Tuesdays. The spring rolls are some of the best in town. Their hearty soups warm when you come in out of the fall chill. Visit Quang, one of the best Vietnamese and vegetarian restaurants in the Twin Cities.