Quail in rose Petal Sauce. Through the magical realism in the Like Water For Chocolate, Tita express her love through cooking. Explanes Siginifance

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In Laura Esquivel's novel Like Water for Chocolate, magical realism is one of the most dominant themes of the novel. Like Water for Chocolate is a novel that uses magic in ways that will affect almost everyone around the source that produces the magic in a good or bad way. Like Water for Chocolate is a story of a young woman, growing up during the Mexican Revolution whose fate is set by her discouraging, domineering …

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…through her Quail in rose petal sauce. If it wasn't for magical realism in this novel she would have no way of expressing her love for him. We learn of Tita's struggle to pursue true love and claim her independence. We learn about her as a character and as a person. She has all this emotion built up in her and no way of expressing it but through her dishes she prepares for her family.