Prologue and epilogue in the invisible man

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Essay Database > Literature > English
It is through the prologue and epilogue, that we understand the deeper meanings of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man. The prologue is essential, laying down a foundation that allows us to understand the meaning and reason behind the symbolism and relevance of events the that follow. The prologue allows us to understand the extent and level of intensity the novel is trying to achieve. Acting in the same way, the epilogue further illustrates the importance of …

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…you will be able understand the events and the significance each one has to the Invisible Man. Through the prologue you learn of the Invisible Man and his quest; to search for his identity and through the epilogue you learn that his search is not over but has become easier. Understanding that journey and understanding along the way is more important than the resolution, will allow you to understand the deeper meanings in the novel.