Pro-legalization of Medical Marijuana.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Medical Marijuana "Oh, Officer, you seem to have found my stash. Good thing I remembered my marijuana permit." Although this statement may not be feasible in the United States as of yet, it has been in Canada for two years. In July 2001, the Canadian federal government legalized the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Since that time, the debate over marijuana usage has escalated in the United States. Marijuana is effective in relieving nausea in …

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…Francisco Chronicle. If the people receiving this medication are final stages of their lives, shouldn't they have the right to live out their existence in peace? Many of these illnesses, such as AIDS, cancer, epilepsy, and glaucoma, cause a lifetime of pain and suffering. When other medications can't relieve the pain, patients should be able to use a medicine that will. The United States should follow Canada's lead and legalize the medical use of marijuana.