Primitive Religion, a description of ancient religion

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
"Primitive religion is a name given to the religious beliefs and practices of those traditional, often isolated, preliterate cultures which have not developed urban and technologically sophisticated forms of society." (Long, 1) The term is deceptive in suggesting that the religions of those peoples are somehow less complex than the religions of "advanced", "civilized", or "modern" society. The term primitive religion unjustly represents a great deal of beliefs and customs that simply cannot be shrink wrapped …

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…primitive religions. I have learned a respect and interest in some of these myths, beliefs and rituals and am grateful to have been given the opportunity to do so. Sources Used Bachofen, Johann Jakob, Myth, Religion and Mother Right; (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University, Bollinger Series, 1973) Fagan, Brian M., People of the Earth: 10th Edition; (Prentice Hall Inc., 2001) Long, Charles H., Primitive Religion; (2001) Winckel, Ludo J., The World's Living Religions; (Huntington University Television Productions Foundation Incorporated, 1993)