Pricing in the service industry

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
According to Mckinsey Company's consultants, the fastest and most effective way for a firm to achieve maximum profit is to get its price right (Marn and Rosiello, 1992). These consultants reported that a 1 percent price improvement generates an average of 11.1 percent increase in profits among the 2,462 companies they studied. Given the importance of price in generating revenues and profits for a company, the approach used by service firms in price setting has been relatively unsophisticated. In …

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…profit", Harvard Business Review, 70, September-October, 84-94. Zeithaml, V., Parasuraman, A., Berry, L.L., 1985Journal of Marketing Beard, L.H., Hoyle, V.A., 1976, "Cost accounting proposal for an advertising agency", Management Accounting, 58, 38-40. Kotler, P., Bloom, P.N., 1984, Marketing Professional Services, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Hoffman, K.D., Bateson, J.E.G., 1997, Essentials of Services Marketing, The Dryden Press, Orlando, FL. Ratza, C.L., 1993, "A client-driven model for service pricing", Journal of Professional Services Marketing, 8, 2, 55-64.